Labor market and IT recruiting in Britain

IT recruitment UK is an example of classic recruiting to which most of us are accustomed. But, nevertheless, it has its own characteristics. Each IT recruitment agency here has a narrow (or very narrow) specialization and builds a recruitment process taking these features into account. It is not uncommon for agencies to only carry out certain steps of the recruitment process without going through the full recruiting cycle.

The coronavirus epidemic, changes in world politics, hostilities in Europe and an increase in the number of emigrants have left their mark on the labor recruitment market. Let’s look at the trends in the IT recruitment industry in Britain today:

1. Workers do not want to return to offices after a long period of remote work. Companies that offer remote work options or a hybrid schedule have an advantage in the market.

2. There is a slight decrease in the wages of qualified employees in comparison with the inflation rate.

3. The British labor market has partially lost specialists who, over the past few years, have left for other countries and stayed there. There is a slight shortage of potential candidates in the market today.

4. There is a tendency for many specialists to change jobs and qualifications. The reasons may be different, but in technical specialties, retraining is primarily associated with the development of technology and the obsolescence of old professions.

The last point is quite important from the point of view of the process of continuous learning, which is inherent in many technical specialties. A number of skills, for example in programming languages, are becoming obsolete and the demand for specialists is decreasing. And their place is taken by new specialties and languages.

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It should be added that in Britain technical skills are very highly valued. Therefore, many candidates constantly receive additional education. This applies to both specialists visiting the country and local employees.

Opportunity to become an IT recruiter yourself

For those who want to personally learn how IT recruitment companies find talent, it is worth considering the job of an IT recruiter. This is not the most popular profession in Britain. The British are not used to working hard, and recruiting requires just that. In addition, most employees of such agencies are engaged in headhunting, and classic recruiting is considered a complex specialty.

The main thing is to understand that, taking into account the specifics of work and taxation, the income of an IT recruiter will be about 15% of the volume of closed vacancies. And the understanding that domestic recruiting in the country has slowed down recently opens up the opportunity to develop for those who remain in the market.

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